It seems that no where does Xojo pass the password to the ODBC Connection either by using the ODBCDatabase.password or by putting the password into the connection string. When I try to just use the DSN and fill in the ODBCDatabase.password (since ODBC doesn’t save the password) I still get Dialog Failed. I have a test DSN set up on the machine that “Test Connection” reports as good. To use the Microsoft Office Automation classes, you will have to copy the MSOfficeAutomation plugin to the Plugin folder. User ID and password are correct as they are used time and again to test the ODBC connection using Windows ODBC managerĪll have the same result - “Dialog Failed” ODBCPlugin for ODBCDatabase PostgreSQLPlugin for PostgreSQLDatabase You can remove any of the plugins you are not using in order to reduce start time and lower memory usage. Server=tcp:,1433 Initial Catalog=afterten_Weather Persist Security Info=False User ID=USERID Password=PASSWORD MultipleActiveResultSets=False Encrypt=True TrustServerCertificate=False Connection Timeout=30 ĭriver= Server=,1433 Database=afterten_Weather Uid=USERID Pwd=PASSWORD The first one is the connection string Azure tells me to use… I’ve tried all manner of connection strings.